Our Services
Treatment for Kids, Teens, and Adults

Kids 7+
For the majority of children, delaying treatment until all the adult teeth have come in is preferable (around age 12). However, Dr. Alex and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend an orthodontic evaluation beginning at age 7.
This is the time when the adult bite can be determined and any tooth or jaw development issues can be identified. When needed, Dr. Alex will recommend early, interceptive treatment.
- Redirect undesirable jaw growth
- Shorten and simplify later orthodontic treatment
- Reduce need to extract permanent teeth
- Intercept problematic tooth eruption
- Reduce risk of damage to flared teeth
- Address harmful oral habits
- Improve esthetics and self-esteem

While it’s never too late for treatment, most parents choose comprehensive treatment for their children between the ages of 11 and 15.
- The permanent teeth have come in
- Crowding, gaps, and bites can be fully addressed
- Higher metabolism enhances treatment possibilities
- Wearing braces is especially accepted at this age

Over 30% of Dr. Alex’s patients are adults. Because adults are highly motivated, treatment tends to progress more quickly.
- Have the smile you’ve always wanted.
- Improve health of teeth, gums, bone and bite.
- Reduce risk of decay and uneven tooth wear.
- In preparation for other dental work.

Jaw Surgery
Dr. Alex is able to achieve excellent results for the greater majority of patients without surgery. However, when required, Dr. Alex will coordinate with your dentist, oral surgeon, plastic surgeon, and any other specialists to ensure the best outcome.
- When jaw misalignment is so severe that orthodontic treatment alone will not correct the problem.
- When orthodontic treatment alone will compromise facial appearance.
- When enhanced facial appearance is a treatment goal.
- For treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.