Does your child need a mouth guard? We’ll let you know, but first, some news from our office!

👋 Hello Baby Caleb!👋

On the morning of February 27th, Dr. Alex’s wife Cristina gave birth to Caleb Stefan Alexandroni!!

Baby and mama are doing great, and he is adored by all his siblings.❤️ We’re looking forward to his first visit at the office!

💕 Lovely Wedding 💕

In case you missed it, our team member Livi got married in January!

She is finally Livi Love (which has been Nora’s nickname for her for some months).

Make sure to congratulate her and her husband Josh at your next visit!

🏈  Mouth Guards 🏈

With school back in session and sports starting up again, it’s important to consider if your child needs to wear a mouth guard.

When should you wear a mouth guard?

If you play a contact sport (Ex: football, wrestling)

Any sport where collision/impact is likely (Ex: softball)


Helps absorb shock during face injuries

Reduces risk of chipped teeth, broken braces, and even a concussion

Protects lips and cheeks from rough contact with braces

📲 Our Instagram 📲

Looking for more braces tips, team updates, and joyful Atlas smiles? Follow us on our Instagram, @atlasbraces!

You are a part of the Atlas family, and we want you to feel connected to our community.

Have questions? Comments? Send us a direct message or comment on our latest post! We’d love to interact with you! 💬

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